3 minute read

Kong is an open-source API Gateway tool. They also have an enterprise version that provides a developer portal feature. The Kong Developer Portal provides a single source of truth for all developers to locate, access, and consume services. For more details visit: https://docs.konghq.com/enterprise/latest/developer-portal/

Disclaimer: I am not an expert in Okta or Kong. Please choose a security configuration as per your need and your company policies.

Okta Configuration

We are going to set up an application and an authorization server in okta. Before we proceed with that login into your okta admin portal. Following is the step by step guide once you are at the okta admin portal:

Add Application

  1. Click on Applications tab
  2. Click on Add Application button
  3. On the next page, select Web and click on Next
  4. On the next page, give your application a name. Add a login redirect url which will be something like https://<control-plane-hostname>:<portal_auth_port>/<workspace_name>/auth. Assign a group to your application and click on Done button.

    ProTip: You can find portal port and portal auth port from Kong Admin api or console. In order to get the ports make get call to https://<control-plane-hostname>:<admin_api_port>/<workspace_name>/kong. Usually, if dev portal port number is 8442 then portal auth port number would be 8443.

  5. On the next page, verify that you have correct values for all the URIs in LOGIN section. In my case, all three have same value.

    Also, note down Client ID and Client Secret, we need those when creating kong OIDC config.

  6. That’s all for adding an application.

User Attributes

  1. Click on the Users tab.
  2. Search for a user in the search box.
  3. Click on the username link.
  4. On the next page, click on the Profile tab and check the attribute of the email address field.

    In my case, it was login. This is the value, we are going to use as claim in authorization server.

Add Authorization Server

  1. Click on the API tab.
  2. Click on Authorization Servers option.
  3. Click on Authorization Servers tab.
  4. Click on Add Authorization Server button.
  5. Fill authorization server Name, Audience and Description with any sensible value. Click on Save.
  6. On the next page, click on the Settings tab.

    Note down the Custom URL of the Issuer.

  7. Click Access Policies tab.
  8. Click Add New Access Policy button.
  9. Add a name and description for the policy. Search for the application in the The following clients box which was created earlier and add the app. Once the app is added, click the Create Policy button.
  1. Click Claims tab.
  2. Click Add Claim button.
  3. Fill user.login in name text box. Select ID Token and Always in Include in token type drop downs.

    Fill user.login in Value text box. Also, select Any scope in Include in section and click Save button. See profile attributes for more details.

  4. Click Add Rule button.
  5. In the modal, add the rule name. Tick only the Authorization Code check box, select Any user assigned the app and Any scopes. Click on the Create Rule button.

    ProTip: You can update access token lifetime, refresh token lifetime and expire as per your need.

Kong Configuration

  1. Login into the Kong admin portal.
  2. Click on Overview in Dev Portal section, then click on Turn On button.
  3. Click on Settings then click on Authentication tab.
  4. Select Open ID Connect from the Authentication plugin dropdown.
  5. Select Custom from the Auth Config (JSON) drop-down and paste the following config in the text area:

       "leeway": 1000,
       "consumer_by": [
       "scopes": [
       "logout_query_arg": "logout",
       "client_id": [
       "login_action": "redirect",
       "logout_redirect_uri": [
       "logout_methods": [
       "consumer_claim": [
       "forbidden_redirect_uri": [
       "issuer": "<issuer_custom_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration",
       "client_secret": [
       "ssl_verify": false,
       "login_redirect_uri": [
       "login_redirect_mode": "query"
  6. Select Enabled from Auto Approve Access if you want to. This is an optional step.
  7. Click on Save Changes button.
  8. Click on Overview in Dev Portal section.

    Check the dev portal url and check that authentication is enabled.

  9. Once the portal is enabled, you should be able to register with the okta email address. If you have auto approve enabled for the users, then you should be able to login. Otherwise, you have to approve the user, and you should be able to login.


Hope this guide will help you set up the integration between Kong and Okta.

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